Monday 22 January 2018


Old toilet attendants don’t die, they’re just inconvenienced.
Railway line workers don't die they just make tracks
Old novelists find their own plot.
Old lift attendants either go up or down!
Old golfers never die; they just lose their balls
Old sextons don't die, they just lose the plot
John O'Donoghue Old Professors never die, they just lose their faculties.
Old delivery drivers don't die, they just get dropped off with a neighbour.
Metal dealers get scrapped
Old music writers decompose.
old chemists never die they just fail to react
Fishermen don't die they just smell that way
Old accountants reach the bottom line.
Old accountants never die - they simply lose their balance
Old lawyers never die - they simply lose their appeal
Old police informants are put out to grass
Old hairdressers just can't cut it any more
Old electricians go and live in a rest ohm
Old bankers make a final withdrawal
Old monarchs are like the weather yesterday. Reigning constantly
Gardeners push up dasies
Train drivers terminate at the end of the line
Old snooker players never die, they just take a long rest.
old soldiers never die they just smell that way
Old publicans never die they just call time gentlemen please
Watchmakers get wound up
Old Professors ... lose their faculties.
Old garden's never die, they just go to seed
Old Lawyers never die- they're already undead soulless monstrous beings with satanic contracts for eternal life
Old chemists don't die they just stop reacting.

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